Welcome to CFE

Construction Fixings Europe (CFE) represents leading European manufacturers of

  • metal, plastic and bonded anchors,
  • timber screws,
  • cast-in fixings in concrete and
  • direct fixings (powder actuated fixings).

CFE represents companies of all sizes: from small family businesses and SMEs up to larger companies:

CFE member companies are located in Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland and UK.

Most of the companies hold one or more ETAs.


Benefits by synergies:

Synergies arise from

  • the combination of the broad knowledge and the ressources of bigger companies with the specific input and product know how of SMEs,
  • the transfer of topics, solutions and experience between the different product sectors and
  • the input from the national associations and members from different countries.

CFE members stand for:

  • Research, development and manufacturing in Europe.
  • Innovative and safe construction fixing products.
  • Reliable CE-marking based on state-of-the-art ETAs.
  • World-wide harmonisation of assessment methods (USA, China, Australia …).
  • Correct use of CE marking and references to ETAs in advertising, defined in a Code of Conduct.
  • Levelled playing field for European manufacturers of all sizes.
  • Short time-to-market for innovative products with new ETAs under fulfilment of all legal requirements for CE marking.
  • Robust products and user-friendly installation instructions to prevent installation failures.


CFE experts represent the interests of CFE members in the following bodies:

CFE is a sub-association of the European Tool Committee (CEO).


Become a member of CFE!

Are you an European manufacturer of metal, plastic or bonded anchors, concrete screws, timber screws, powder actueted fasteners or cast-in fixings?

Do you support our values and positions?

Then you are welcome to join CFE!

The subscription level depends of the European sales of constrcution fixings.

For further details, you are kindly advised to contact us.