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EADs and ETAsAdopted EAD 330232-02-601 "Mechanical fasteners for use in concrete"
United KingdomUK: Marking of construction fixings with ETA
GermanyMarking of anchors for sprinkler systems
Design and installation of construction fixingsDIBt Information on the installation of anchor fastening
Design and installation of construction fixingsPrecise drill bits for reliable anchor installation - certified by PGM®
Design and installation of construction fixingsEOTA Technical Reports for the design of fixings in concrete and masonry
New Construction Products Regulation 2024Transition provisions for EADs and ETAs under the new CPR
Construction Products Regulation (CPR)Sustainability performance of products covered by EADs
EADs and ETAsEAD variants – a flexible instrument to cover new characteristics
EADs and ETAsStages of EAD development and publication
Design and installation of construction fixingsCFE liaison to CEN/TC 250 "Structural Eurocodes"
Construction Products Regulation (CPR)The ETA route: A success story
Publication of EADs
Keep the EAD/ETA route agile and attractive for manufacturers and constructors!
Construction Products Regulation (CPR)REACH: PFAS Restriction proposal - December 2023 Update
The overall goal of the CPR is a fast and efficient European harmonization.
Recommendations for the trilogue negotiations in the review process of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) with focus on the EAD/ETA route to CE marking
Design and installation of construction fixingsAST bulletin “Concrete Fastener Qualification and Design in Europe” 05/2023
REACH: Per-and polyfluoroalkyl PFAS - April 2023 Update
CEO supports joint industry statement on the EU Packaging Regulation