EADs and ETAs
Currently, anchors and cast-in fixings are not covered by harmonised European standards (hEN) under the CPR. For timber screws, a harmonised standard EN 14592 exists, but it does not cover all aspects and applications of high-performance timber screws.
European Technical Assessment Documents (EADs) for construction Fixings are classified in the following Product Areas:
13 - Structural timber products, elements and ancillaries
16 - Reinforcing and prestressing steel for concrete and ancillaries, post tensioning kits
33 - Fixings
EADs and ETAsAdopted EAD 330232-02-601 "Mechanical fasteners for use in concrete"
New Construction Products Regulation 2024Transition provisions for EADs and ETAs under the new CPR
EADs and ETAsEAD variants – a flexible instrument to cover new characteristics
EADs and ETAsStages of EAD development and publication
Construction Products Regulation (CPR)The ETA route: A success story
Publication of EADs
Design and installation of construction fixingsAST bulletin “Concrete Fastener Qualification and Design in Europe” 05/2023
EADs and ETAsStatement of CFE Chairman Ulrich Bourgund at the EOTA Stakeholder Forum 2022