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New Construction Products Regulation 2024

After a few years of intensive discussion, the new Construction Products Regulation (CPR) was adopted by the European Parliament and the EU Council in April 2024.

The new CPR is expected to come into force in late autumn 2024 and will be fully applicable ca. one year later. What changes will apply to construction fixings with ETA?

  • EADs will no be part of the "harmonised zone". This will not affect the CE marking of products covered by an ETA based on such an EAD. Therefore, products with a CE mark based on an ETA can be distributed all over Europe also under the new CPR.
  • ETAs can only be issued based on EADs cited in the OJEU. Under the current CPR ETAs can be issued based on EADs adopted by EOTA, but not yet cited in the OJEU.


New Construction Products Regulation 2024Transition provisions for EADs and ETAs under the new CPR

How will the new CPR affect the validity of EADs and ETAs?
Read more … Transition provisions for EADs and ETAs under the new CPR

Keep the EAD/ETA route agile and attractive for manufacturers and constructors!

Manufacturers of ETA-products and other stakeholders are concerned about the change of the publication sequence of new EADs and the ETAs which is foreseen in the proposal…
Read more … Keep the EAD/ETA route agile and attractive for manufacturers and constructors!

The overall goal of the CPR is a fast and efficient European harmonization.

Will this goal be achieved by the new CPR?
Read more … The overall goal of the CPR is a fast and efficient European harmonization.

Recommendations for the trilogue negotiations in the review process of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) with focus on the EAD/ETA route to CE marking

ETAs enable a short time-to-market for new products or applications. They have a high reputation in the EU and world-wide and stimulate innovation in the industry. ETAs…
Read more … Recommendations for the trilogue negotiations in the review process of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) with focus on the EAD/ETA route to CE marking